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A socially important but vulnerable sector

The telecoms sector is now part of the critical infrastructure of society. By offering connectivity, people all over the world can discover, invent and share, while businesses all over the world can step into digital arenas and offer their customers a new form of service. With growing volumes of data, reliance on legacy technologies, combined with the increasing importance of cloud solutions, 5G, IoT and AI, the industry's infrastructure is among the most complex. But while internal solutions are increasing in complexity, security risks are also increasing exponentially, making telecoms a common sector for cyber criminals to target.

56 %
of all telecoms companies suffered ransomware attacks in 2019
million USD is the average cost for a Swedish company to recover from a ransomware attack
million IoT attacks occurred globally in 2019

Common security challenges

Availability and new technologies

Ensuring continuity of key services and functions

Building and maintaining security in outdated network infrastructure

Managing the risks of new technologies, such as 5G, IoT, AI and cloud solutions

Reducing security risks in the supply chain

Detect and respond to intrusions

Compliance with regulations such as the NIS Directive and GDPR

Industry practices


As a telecoms professional, you are subject to a range of compliance requirements. Several of them concern security, such as GDPR, NIS, PTS and LOF.

Common compliance frameworks


The right solutions

Several of our largest customers are active in the telecoms industry. Over the years, we have done everything from testing critical infrastructure and monitoring networks, to supporting organisations in operations and development projects. This has given us an understanding of the industry and the risks it faces, but also the potential it has. In this way, we can help your business, both by keeping it safe, and by creating new opportunities for it to grow.

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.